Works at 1.5GW PV park in southern Romania to begin by next spring

The construction works at the major photovoltaic (PV) park planned at Dabuleni, southern Romania, will begin in the spring of 2024 at the latest, according to the state properties agency (ADP) – which will contribute the land for the project.
State-controlled hydropower plant Hidroelectrica is reportedly a partner in the project, one of the most important green projects in Europe. The investment is to be financed from European funds.
"The project has a final deadline of 2026. This means that somewhere in the autumn, at the latest in the spring of next year, the work in the field will begin", said ADP chief George Sava, reported.
He recalled that the institution started a process for mapping the owned lands, given that at the moment, only about 80,000 hectares out of a total of about 320,000 hectares have land records.
The ADS chief also stated that the institution he leads is currently carrying out a project with European funds that will result in an interactive digital map of unproductive land in Romania and recalled that on the first Monday of every month, the institution's website, the free lands owned by ADS are made public.
(Photo source: Doric1950/