Computer Generated Solutions (CGS), a global leader in outsourcing services, software applications, and AR/VR-based...
The Regional Development and Tourism Ministry in Romania wants to buy an electronic system which will allow it to count...
Chinese company Beijing Municipal Construction Group Co. Ltd has shown interest in building a suspended highway in...
Real estate developer K&S Developments and retailer Auchan have reached an 80 percent occupancy rate for Electroputere...
Volksbank Romania has leased 8,000 sqm of office space in Nusco Tower, on a five-year term, according to Jones Lang...
Eolica Dobrogea has signed a grid connection contract for 600 MW of wind power with the Romanian grid operator...
Russian oil company LukOil wants to build solar power plants and wind farms in Romania and Bulgaria, according to...
Clean tech company Adama Technologies Corporation has signed an agreement for a 2.5 MW municipal waste gasification...
Oil and gas company Rompetrol Group may issue bonds or arrange a loan if it can agree with the Romanian government on...
As many as 15 offers were filed for the construction of two segments of the Nadlac – Arad highway in Romania. Seven...
The Regional Development and Tourism Ministry in Romania wants to buy an electronic system which will allow it to count...
Chinese company Beijing Municipal Construction Group Co. Ltd has shown interest in building a suspended highway in...
Real estate developer K&S Developments and retailer Auchan have reached an 80 percent occupancy rate for Electroputere...
Volksbank Romania has leased 8,000 sqm of office space in Nusco Tower, on a five-year term, according to Jones Lang...
Eolica Dobrogea has signed a grid connection contract for 600 MW of wind power with the Romanian grid operator...
Russian oil company LukOil wants to build solar power plants and wind farms in Romania and Bulgaria, according to...
Clean tech company Adama Technologies Corporation has signed an agreement for a 2.5 MW municipal waste gasification...
Oil and gas company Rompetrol Group may issue bonds or arrange a loan if it can agree with the Romanian government on...
As many as 15 offers were filed for the construction of two segments of the Nadlac – Arad highway in Romania. Seven...