Current time in Romania

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01 August 2010

A new online TV channel will broadcast from downtown Bucharest, the Lipscani area, which has become increasingly popular among locals and tourists alike. Lipscani TV will feature stories about the terraces and the entertainment in the old part of the town. The TV stations is called a summer station, bit the initiators of the project are planning to ask for the Bucharest City Hall support to continue the project.

31 July 2010

The world-wide famous TED conferences and speeches have expanded to Romania under the TEDx independently organized events umbrella. The events, organized in several larger Romanian cities, which feature local and foreign speakers alike, who tackle local issues as well. (See below videos from TEDx events in Romania)

31 July 2010

Events during the week August 2-5

31 July 2010

The Hungarian state printing company Allami Nyomda has bought 50 percent of local GPV Mail Services from Hungarian company Díjbeszed. GPV Mail Services is also offering printing services. The value of the deal was estimated between EUR 1.5 million and EUR 2.2 million.

30 July 2010

The consortium which has created Romania's tourism brand, included the logo which triggered questions due to its similarity to another logo which was sold on the Internet, has reacted quickly to the Romanian Tourism Ministry's request for explanations. THR offered to show all the paper drawings and the intermediary designs used in the creative process and even offered supplementary design works on the logo, should the Romanian tourism Ministry ask for it.

30 July 2010

The Romanian Tourism Ministry has asked the consortium made of THR Asesores en Turismo, Hoteliere e Recreation and Taylor Nelson Sofres to come up with an answer to the recent media reports pointing out to the similarity between one of the elements of Romania's tourism logo and anotehr logo which was on sale on the Internet.

30 July 2010

BCR Group posted a net profit of EUR 117 million in the first half of the year, down by 19.5 percent compared to the same period of last year, the group has announced. The decrease was mainly due “on much higher provision expense due the contracting economy heavily impacting the market and BCR’s customers demand,” according to the company.

30 July 2010

Grup Servicii Petroliere's shareholders have approved a USD 20 million revolving credit facility from Eximbank. The loan was contracted on a year.

30 July 2010

Main headlines from Romanian and international media for Friday, July 30, 2010

29 July 2010

Events during the week-end July 30-August 1st, in Bucharest

29 July 2010

Events during the week-end July 30 - August 1, at the seaside and on in the mountain area

29 July 2010

The Anonimul Film Festival, which will start on August 9 in Sfantu Gheorghe, in Delta Dunarii, will feature a movie which was included in the official competition in Cannes this year – Certified Copy, with Juliette Binoche playing the main character. (Trailer below) A second film, Temple Grandin, with 15 nominations at the Emmy Awards, will also be screened in the Anonimul Film festival (trailer below)



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