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28 July 2010

Another Romanian language lesson - this time, learn what to say in a restaurant

28 July 2010

The Finance Ministry sold EUR 1.2 billion of state titles today, three times more than it was planning. The average yield a year for these certificates is of 4.9 percent a year. The demand for the state titles was even higher – of EUR 1.37 billion. The state titles have a one-year maturity.

28 July 2010

An imitative arts studio will be organized withing an exhibition in the Orizont art gallery in Bucharest tomorrow. Those who will visit the gallery tomorrow will be able to see artists at work and event try to create themselves. Another similar studio for the public will be opened on August 12.

28 July 2010

Local lender BRD has opened a EUR 50 million credit line from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), which it intends to use to offer loans for small and medium enterprises.

28 July 2010

Almost a quarter of Romanians pay they bills using automated payment machines, which is double the European average, found a study by Intella Information. However, most Romanians still prefer to receive the paper bills – only eight percent of those included in the study said they chose electronic bills.

28 July 2010

Romania is one of the Eastern European markets which looks the most interesting, according to Mark Mobius, the emerging market guru with Templeton Asset Management, in a recent interview published by the Time magazine. But the country comes after Russia, Turkey and Poland.

28 July 2010

After five years at the helm of the Athenee Palace Hilton five-star hotel in Bucharest, Friedrich Niemann has decided to change scenery. He will leave at the end of August to run another hotel in the Hilton chain in Berlin. Before embarking on the new journey, he has talked to Romania Insider about the five years in Romania and about the life of a hotel manager.

28 July 2010

Rominserv, a company in the Rompetrol group, has signed an agreement with Portuguese Prio SGPS to build four vegetable oil tanks, with an investment estimated at USD 2.1 million, Rompetrol has announced. The tanks are part of the vegetable oil extraction plant in Lehliu.

28 July 2010

Romanian investment fund Fondul Proprietatea (Proprietatea Fund) will be most likely floated the Bucharest Stock Exchange in January next year, as well as on a foreign stock market, possibly the London one, according to Greg Konieczny, fund manager for Franklin Templeton in Romania, quoted by the Money Channel.

28 July 2010

Eolica Dobrogea, which is developing wind farms in several localities in Dobrogea, including Cogealac, will ask the Cogealac city hall to organize a referendum for all inhabitants to decide on how the wind energy potential in the area will be used. The inhabitants should also decide on how the EUR 3.5 billion revenues to the local budget will be used, Eolica said in a statement earlier today.

28 July 2010

Bucharest student club Club A, which celebrates 40 years since opening, will host a Suie Paparude concert tonight starting 11,30 hours. Entry tickets will cost RON 10.

28 July 2010

Mining company Romaltyn Mining Baia Mare, owned by Russian Polyus Group, will invest USD 14 million in mining technologies. The company intends to re-start the gold extraction in the area, but needs to finalize investments beforehand and it hopes to be able to start the processing activity towards the beginning of next year.



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