Current time in Romania

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15 June 2010

Swiss company Windex is planing to start works on a wind turbines production unit in Constanta

15 June 2010

The Romanian chapter of the Association of French Abroad (UFE - L'Union des Francais de l'Etranger)

15 June 2010

Private health care services provider Medicover will invest EUR 50 million in its first hospital in

15 June 2010

Rating agency Fitch expects Romania's economy to drop 1 percent this year and doesn't foresee a

15 June 2010

Two out of the five Saab dealers present in Romania have suspended their activity this year, while

15 June 2010

The oldest rupestral drawings in Central Europe were discovered in Romania, in the Apuseni mountains

15 June 2010

The cost of living for expats in Bucharest have kept the city on the 70th position in Europe

15 June 2010

The no confidence motion submitted by the Social Democratic Party (PSD) will we debated and voted in

15 June 2010

Romania media

The day the Parliament votes on pensions and salaries cuts – in Ziarul Financiar

14 June 2010

Blake Horsley is the only expat in the Colliers International office in Bucharest; he's from a land

14 June 2010

Meet Jonathan Youens and you will always learn something about real estate. Sometimes about

14 June 2010

The Romanian Finance Ministry has attracted over EUR 81.6 million from banks in a discount treasury



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