Current time in Romania

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11 June 2010

Pharmaceutical producer Actavis expects to reach EUR 6 million in exports to the United States

11 June 2010

Spanish investment fund GED has opened its first beauty clinic in Bucharest under the Cellulem Block

11 June 2010

State-owned energy transport company Transelectrica is close to receiving the approval for a EUR 65

11 June 2010

FRIDAY, June 11

09,00 hours - Street Delivery in Bucharest and Timisoara. Urban architecture and

11 June 2010

Soul Kitchen (Germany)- On at: Cinema City Cotroceni, Hollywood Multiplex.
Nanny McPhee and the Big

11 June 2010

Romanian media
State cuts expenses on salaries and pensions. The revival ball is in the private

10 June 2010

Romania is one of the countries vulnerable to the debt crisis in the euro zone, as it financial

10 June 2010

Romanians will no longer pay fees for the reimbursement of bank loans before maturity, as the

10 June 2010

Telecom company GTS Central Europe has bought local company Datek in a deal whose value was not

10 June 2010

Local insurance company Asirom posted EUR 1.2 million in profit last year after posting EUR 30

10 June 2010

Romania is among the top ten riskier economies in the world, ranking eighth, according to a report

10 June 2010

Car dealer Porsche Romania has sold the first Lamborghini since it started to sell the brand in

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