Current time in Romania

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14 May 2010

Romanian media

RCS&RDS starts total war with UPC – in Ziarul Financiar
Sedesa and Euro Construct

13 May 2010

Romania should avoid measures which will cancel the country's competitive advantages such as highly

13 May 2010

A new yearly round of midnight museum visits is up this weekend, when we're celebrating the European

13 May 2010

The executive president of BCR, Dominic Bruynseels, hopes the bank he is heading will post a

13 May 2010

The AC/DC concert on Sunday, May 16, in Bucharest, which will start at 18,00 hours, has led to

13 May 2010

The Transilvania International Film Festival (TIFF), which will take place between May 28 and June 6

13 May 2010

Four Romanians have recently won the local edition of the International Golf Tour organized by

13 May 2010

Romanian film WebsiteStory, directed and produced by Romanian TV producer and writer Dan Chisu, will

13 May 2010

American duo band Nina Sky will perform in Turabo Society Club in Bucharest this Friday evening

13 May 2010

The first BackWerk bakery shop will open in June this year in Universitate area of Bucharest

13 May 2010

Social protests have started across Romania since the state representatives have announced pensions

13 May 2010

Romania, Azerbaijan and Georgia have signed an agreement to set up a mixed company which will carry

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