Current time in Romania

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13 May 2010

Romania doesn't comply with any of the criteria to join the euro zone, according to a recent report

13 May 2010

Romanian media
Petrom: Investments are the only thing that helps. There is money, but the

12 May 2010

Social Meetups in Bucharest, a group of expatriates, repatriates and locals established at the

12 May 2010

UniCredit Tiriac Bank posted EUR 16 million in profit for the first three months of this year, down

12 May 2010

Private healthcare operator MedLife will launch its own pharmacy brand this year, Farma Life

12 May 2010

A new chain of fitness centers has entered the Romanian market and will open it first unit by the

12 May 2010

Telecom company Cosmote, majority owned by Greek OTE, posted revenues of EUR 114.8 million in the

12 May 2010

Menno Maas is the new CEO for the Continental Europe, Middle East and Africa (CEMEA) of DTZ real

12 May 2010

Telecom operator Romtelecom saw its revenues shrinking by 3.3 percent in the first quarter of the

12 May 2010

Greek company Yalco, distributor of Black & Decker, DeWalt products and of other do-it-yourself

12 May 2010

Setting up a SRL-type of company (Societate cu Raspundere Limitata – Limited Liability Company) in

12 May 2010

As many as ten Romanian films will be screened at the Cannes festival which starts today in France

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