Current time in Romania

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12 May 2010

Van Schaik is the name I have heard most often when I have asked around about expat investors people

12 May 2010

Romanian media
The Government finally remembers about privatization and the stock market: Videanu

11 May 2010

German band Reamonn is opening the Aerosmith concert on June 18 in Bucharest at Romexpo. Reamonn

11 May 2010

Further works on the Transilvania highway are uncertain as financing for infrastructure works is

11 May 2010

The memorandum of understanding with the International Monetary Fund and the European Union could be

11 May 2010

Romania has approved 4,200 projects to attract EU funding worth EUR 9.7 billion in total, out of

11 May 2010

Belgian real estate investor and developer Liebrecht&wooD is planing to build a retail park in the

11 May 2010

Romanians have started to fail behind with more bank payments since the beginning of the year

11 May 2010

INSEAD business school organizes presentation event and master class on "Risk-Proofing Your Strategy

11 May 2010

Swedish government representatives are meeting with members of the Defense Commission in the

11 May 2010

Prices in Romania went up in April at a higher increase rate than in the previous months especially

11 May 2010

A supplementary memorandum of understanding with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the

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