Current time in Romania

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11 May 2010

The decrease in state spending announced by the government has triggered the reaction of Romanian

11 May 2010

The unemployment rate in Romania slightly dropped in April this year, from an 8.36 percent rate in

11 May 2010

Romania could become one of the major electricity exporters in the South East of Europe in the next

11 May 2010

Cosmos Mobile, the GSM distributor of telecom operator Cosmote, has invested EUR 50,000 in opening a

11 May 2010

Romanian media
The state would save EUR 800 million if they cut 25% of the salaries in state

10 May 2010

Romania's budget deficit should reach 4.4 percent next year after the government will take the

10 May 2010

Fashion retailer Tom Tailor has leased 320 sqm of space in Fashion House Outlet Centre, West of

10 May 2010

Restaurant and coffee shop chain owner City Grill, owned by Romanian businessman Dragos Petrescu is

10 May 2010

Nicolae Scripcariu is the new national head of sales for insurer Ardaf, the company has announced.

10 May 2010

The European Commission representatives in the recent loan agreement review mission have pointed to

10 May 2010

The World Bank, whose representatives have joined IMF and European Commission missions in Romania

10 May 2010

The International Monetary Fund, which has finished its review mission in Romania this week-end

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