Current time in Romania

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29 April 2010

Mobile telephony operator Orange witnessed a decrease of 10 percent in its revenues in Romania in

29 April 2010

Romanian lender Banca Transilvania saw its operational profit growing more than two fold in the

29 April 2010

Local dairy producer Albalact posted EUR 53 million in turnover last year, up 18.6 percent on the

29 April 2010

US heating, air conditioning and ventilation systems producer Carrier intends to acquire or merge

29 April 2010

Do-it-yourself retailer OBI opened a new store in Ploiesti yesterday, its fifth store in Romania

29 April 2010

Hypermarket operator Real opens its forth store in Bucharest today, following a EUR 22.8 million

29 April 2010

Romanian media
Greece avoids collapse. Isarescu says Greek banks in Romania are well capitalized –

28 April 2010

German retailer Metro Cash & Carry is opening a new type of store in Romania, under the Metro Punct

28 April 2010

Romania is not witnessing any capital exits and banks active in Romania, including Greek banks have

28 April 2010

The local subsidiary of publishing company Ringier posted EUR 29.3 million in revenues last year

28 April 2010

The Romanian online advertising market reached EUR 17 million last year, which was 10 percent below

28 April 2010

We are looking forward to reaching the first 200 fans on Facebook! Two of the these first 200 fans

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