Romanian telco Digi en route to get spectrum usage rights in Portugal from Vodafone

Digi Portugal, the Portuguese subsidiary of Romania's telecom group Digi Communications (BVB: DIGI), signed a framework contract with the Vodafone subsidiary under which, after the approval of the Competition Authority, it will receive the rights to use a set of frequency blocks as well as wholesale bitstream access to Vodafone's proprietary fiber optic network.
The frequency blocks are in the 1,800 Mhz band and the 3,400-3,800 Mhz band.
The transaction is part of a package of remedies that Vodafone must implement for the local market acquisition of Cabonitel./NOWO Communications.
Digi Portugal remains on track to achieve a target of launching commercial services in early 2024.
DigiPortugal (originally registered as Dixarobil Telecom), a wholly owned unit of Digi Communications, paid in 2021 a total of EUR 67.3 million on 5G spectrum in the 900MHz, 1800MHz, 2.6GHz and 3.6GHz bands before commencing 5G mobile network rollout in June 2022, initially focusing on large cities such as Lisbon and Porto.
(Photo source: Gabriel Chirea |