Romanian Finance Minister: Public procurement reform involves 18 institutions

27 November 2015

The reform of the public procurement system involves no less than 18 institutions that need to coordinate in order to finish this project, said Finance Minister Anca Dragu.

However, Romania must finalize this reform on the agreed deadlines or risk the suspension of payments on all European-funded programs, reports local Agerpres.

According to the new minister, the reform of the national system of public procurement represents a priority for the Public Finance Ministry and the current Government.

Germany’s ambassador to Bucharest Werner Hans Lauk said yesterday that “huge sums have been defrauded or wasted through public auctions,” but that this phenomenon was not only present in Romania but in several countries. He added that the resource mismanagement impacted the companies active in Romania, both domestic and foreign.


Romanian Finance Minister: Public procurement reform involves 18 institutions

27 November 2015

The reform of the public procurement system involves no less than 18 institutions that need to coordinate in order to finish this project, said Finance Minister Anca Dragu.

However, Romania must finalize this reform on the agreed deadlines or risk the suspension of payments on all European-funded programs, reports local Agerpres.

According to the new minister, the reform of the national system of public procurement represents a priority for the Public Finance Ministry and the current Government.

Germany’s ambassador to Bucharest Werner Hans Lauk said yesterday that “huge sums have been defrauded or wasted through public auctions,” but that this phenomenon was not only present in Romania but in several countries. He added that the resource mismanagement impacted the companies active in Romania, both domestic and foreign.




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