Tens of thousands head to Romania's beaches for May 1 holidays

01 May 2013

Thousands of Romanians have reportedly flocked to the coast for the traditional May 1 opening of the beach season. Soaring temperatures and the extra holidays leading up to Easter have really drawn the crowds and the local hospitality industry estimates that the Mamaia resort alone will receive 25,000 visitors, according to local news agency Mediafax.

It hasn't all been plain sailing for the beach-goers; earlier in the day long traffic jams were reported on the way to the coast. The majority are heading to Mamaia, according to Mediafax, but Costineşti and Vama Veche are also attracting many of the younger set.

Numerous events are planned in Mamaia, including parades, shows, club events and beach parties. Clubs officially open tonight (May 1) but quite a few have opened their doors early over the last few evenings, according to local reports.

The weather might be hot, but the sea temperature is still only around 15°C, which is cold enough to put off all but the hardiest bathers.


photo source: sxc.hu


Tens of thousands head to Romania's beaches for May 1 holidays

01 May 2013

Thousands of Romanians have reportedly flocked to the coast for the traditional May 1 opening of the beach season. Soaring temperatures and the extra holidays leading up to Easter have really drawn the crowds and the local hospitality industry estimates that the Mamaia resort alone will receive 25,000 visitors, according to local news agency Mediafax.

It hasn't all been plain sailing for the beach-goers; earlier in the day long traffic jams were reported on the way to the coast. The majority are heading to Mamaia, according to Mediafax, but Costineşti and Vama Veche are also attracting many of the younger set.

Numerous events are planned in Mamaia, including parades, shows, club events and beach parties. Clubs officially open tonight (May 1) but quite a few have opened their doors early over the last few evenings, according to local reports.

The weather might be hot, but the sea temperature is still only around 15°C, which is cold enough to put off all but the hardiest bathers.


photo source: sxc.hu




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