Current time in Romania

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10 April 2010

Companies and registered individuals will no longer have to pay their profit tax in advance, as it

10 April 2010

Romania will buy 24 second hand F16 aircrafts and technical assistance for USD 1.3 billion from the

01 April 2010

The Romanian Easter is an Orthodox holiday – 86.8 percent of Romanians are Orthodox. So it is very

31 March 2010

Dirty Harry's Irish Pub is one of the newly opened placed in the old part of Bucharest. In fact

31 March 2010

Real estate developer Europa group, which has recently opened a pub in the old part of Bucharest

30 March 2010

The new Google telephone Nexus One will be available in Romania starting April 1, after online IT&C

29 March 2010

Car maker Ford Romania has asked for a USD 3.5 million customs tax return from the Romanian state

29 March 2010

Beer producer Heineken Romania posted EUR 213 million in turnover last year (RON 896 million)

29 March 2010

The Bucharest Stock Exchange started trading earlier today the benchmark state titles issued by the

29 March 2010

Three monasteries from Northern Romania, Dragomirna, Moldovita ( in pic) and Sucevita (in Bucovina

29 March 2010

Romanians have turned off the light on Earth Hour on Saturday evening last week-end, but electricity

29 March 2010

The Romanian Central Bank (BNR) has slashed the key interest rate by another 0.5 percent, down to 6

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