Current time in Romania

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10 June 2010

TCE Logistica, the transport and logistics company within the RTC group, has entered the judiciary

10 June 2010

Romania's commercial deficit reached EUR 2.7 billion in the first four months of the year, down 13.1

10 June 2010

Romanian media
Bankers threating with bigger interest to cover cost of loans reimbursed beforehand

09 June 2010

Italian utilities company Enel will inaugurate its first wind parks in Dobrogea, Romania, within a

09 June 2010

Romanian media
When ministers earn less than their employees, the system is built for theft – in

08 June 2010

The company which imports the luxury car brand Morgan, Pro Auto Industries, which sold one car in

08 June 2010

Cicloteque opens two news bike rental centers in Bucharest, one in Tineretului park at the Sincai

08 June 2010

Foreign direct investments, which halved in South and Eastern Europe last year due to the crisis

08 June 2010

Mercadia, a firm registered in Holland, which is controlled by Romanian businessman Dinu Patriciu

08 June 2010

A teller of great stories and a natural-born storyteller, Blacker brings us Romania's never ending

08 June 2010

Romanians' arrears exceeding 30 days increased in the first four months of the year to around EUR

08 June 2010

French Maxime Porte had two objectives in life: live abroad and start his own business. He managed

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