07 September 2010

The European Journalism Festival will take place in Romanian city Targu-Jiu between September 9 and 12. The event is organized by the Eurolife Association and Romania's UNESCO National Commission. More than 500 journalists from the European Union and the neighbor countries are expected to participate.

07 September 2010

Poet, translator, essayist, and lecturer, influenced by French surrealism and symbolism, Celan was born in Romania, he lived in France, and wrote in German. His parents were killed in the Holocaust; the author himself escaped death by working in a Nazi labor camp. "Death is a Master from Germany", Celan's most quoted words, translated into English in different ways, are from the poem 'Todesfuge' (Death Fugue).

07 September 2010

Over 164,000 cars older than ten years were scrapped until the beginning of September within Romania's clunkers program, according to the Romanian Environment Ministry. More than 38,000new cars were sold within the program, out of which 17,215 were made locally. This has triggered the national car park renewal program meeting 87 percent of its objectives by September 3.

07 September 2010

Officials in the Romanian and Bulgarian Economy Ministries decided to take a common position as regards the construction of Nabucco gas pipeline, which is a priority project for both countries. Representatives of both ministries met on September 2-3 in the capital city Bucharest to analyze the evolution of the Nabucco project, Romania's Economy Ministry said in a statement on Monday.

07 September 2010

The European Journalism Festival will take place in Romanian city Targu-Jiu between September 9 and 12. The event is organized by the Eurolife Association and Romania's UNESCO National Commission. More than 500 journalists from the European Union and the neighbor countries are expected to participate.

07 September 2010

Poet, translator, essayist, and lecturer, influenced by French surrealism and symbolism, Celan was born in Romania, he lived in France, and wrote in German. His parents were killed in the Holocaust; the author himself escaped death by working in a Nazi labor camp. "Death is a Master from Germany", Celan's most quoted words, translated into English in different ways, are from the poem 'Todesfuge' (Death Fugue).

07 September 2010

Over 164,000 cars older than ten years were scrapped until the beginning of September within Romania's clunkers program, according to the Romanian Environment Ministry. More than 38,000new cars were sold within the program, out of which 17,215 were made locally. This has triggered the national car park renewal program meeting 87 percent of its objectives by September 3.

07 September 2010

Officials in the Romanian and Bulgarian Economy Ministries decided to take a common position as regards the construction of Nabucco gas pipeline, which is a priority project for both countries. Representatives of both ministries met on September 2-3 in the capital city Bucharest to analyze the evolution of the Nabucco project, Romania's Economy Ministry said in a statement on Monday.



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