06 August 2010

Known as the “the father of modern sculpture”, Constantin Brancusi was a painter, architect and a master of “abstract art”. Through his original work he became one of the most well-known sculptors of the 20th century and Romania’s most famous international artist.

05 August 2010

Drug producer Zentiva posted a net profit of around EUR 6.3 million in the first half of the year, three times higher than the figure registered in the same period of last year. The company's turnover stood at almost EUR 30 million, up 35.5 percent compared to the first six months of 2009.

05 August 2010

Telecom operator Romtelecom, subsidiary of Greek OTE, posted an operational loss of EUR 38.2 million in the first half of this year, while during the same period of last year it had posted a EUR 12.3 million profit. The company's revenues went down by 11 percent in the second quarter of the year, to EUR 178.7 million, while its EBITDA was 59 percent lower, to EUR 24.4 million.

05 August 2010

Linda Griffin is the new general manager of the Athénée Palace Hilton Bucharest, the hotel has announced. She will start at the helm of the hotel on September 1st, following the departure of Friedrich W. Niemann. Niemann has been running the five-star hotel for the last five years.

05 August 2010

Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein (the European Economic Area – EEA) have signed an agreement to supply EUR 1.8 billion of non-reimbursable financing to 15 states in Central and Eastern Europe which are part of the EU, Romania included. The program will cover the 2009-2014 period and the financing will come from two programs – the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Cooperation Program.

05 August 2010

Local dairy maker Albalact saw its net profit decline by 14 percent, to around EUR 580,000, mainly due to the increase in the foreign exchange rate in June, which triggered double financial expenses. “The dairy market goes through a very tough period, due to the dramatic decline of the purchasing power, which puts pressure on prices. We will continue to expand our portfolio, the distribution and the client network and we will have new launches and new promotions,” said Raul Ciurtin, president and general manager of Albalact.

05 August 2010

Romanian car brand Dacia, which is now being produced by French Renault, is the subject of a recent photo story published by Time magazine. Under the headline “The Dacia, the Romanian car that could”, Time magazine goes through the history of Dacia, calling it a 'cult classic'. “The car's design remained basically unchanged for 35 years, outlasting both the Ceaucescus and their Soviet masters,” writes Time.

06 August 2010

Known as the “the father of modern sculpture”, Constantin Brancusi was a painter, architect and a master of “abstract art”. Through his original work he became one of the most well-known sculptors of the 20th century and Romania’s most famous international artist.

05 August 2010

Drug producer Zentiva posted a net profit of around EUR 6.3 million in the first half of the year, three times higher than the figure registered in the same period of last year. The company's turnover stood at almost EUR 30 million, up 35.5 percent compared to the first six months of 2009.

05 August 2010

Telecom operator Romtelecom, subsidiary of Greek OTE, posted an operational loss of EUR 38.2 million in the first half of this year, while during the same period of last year it had posted a EUR 12.3 million profit. The company's revenues went down by 11 percent in the second quarter of the year, to EUR 178.7 million, while its EBITDA was 59 percent lower, to EUR 24.4 million.

05 August 2010

Linda Griffin is the new general manager of the Athénée Palace Hilton Bucharest, the hotel has announced. She will start at the helm of the hotel on September 1st, following the departure of Friedrich W. Niemann. Niemann has been running the five-star hotel for the last five years.

05 August 2010

Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein (the European Economic Area – EEA) have signed an agreement to supply EUR 1.8 billion of non-reimbursable financing to 15 states in Central and Eastern Europe which are part of the EU, Romania included. The program will cover the 2009-2014 period and the financing will come from two programs – the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Cooperation Program.

05 August 2010

Local dairy maker Albalact saw its net profit decline by 14 percent, to around EUR 580,000, mainly due to the increase in the foreign exchange rate in June, which triggered double financial expenses. “The dairy market goes through a very tough period, due to the dramatic decline of the purchasing power, which puts pressure on prices. We will continue to expand our portfolio, the distribution and the client network and we will have new launches and new promotions,” said Raul Ciurtin, president and general manager of Albalact.

05 August 2010

Romanian car brand Dacia, which is now being produced by French Renault, is the subject of a recent photo story published by Time magazine. Under the headline “The Dacia, the Romanian car that could”, Time magazine goes through the history of Dacia, calling it a 'cult classic'. “The car's design remained basically unchanged for 35 years, outlasting both the Ceaucescus and their Soviet masters,” writes Time.



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