05 July 2010

Delia Burnham is a social hub. She seems to always know somebody you need to get in touch with. She works in human resources, so it is quite natural for her to know a lot of people from different areas. Delia currently runs CVO Recruitment in Romania, after spending seven years in the country. We've spent some time talking about Delia's journey to Romania – so here's her story.

21 June 2010

There are 650,000 disabled people in Romania and less than 10 percent of them ever manage to find a job. A young French is fighting preconceptions and a sometimes faulted system to help these people in need and raise awareness among companies and individuals about diversity in the workplace. Stephane Meuret has shared some of his opinions and told a bit of his story to Romania Business Insider, rolling out ideas which will make you think twice about your life's true meaning, especially in these times of economic turmoil and change.

05 July 2010

Delia Burnham is a social hub. She seems to always know somebody you need to get in touch with. She works in human resources, so it is quite natural for her to know a lot of people from different areas. Delia currently runs CVO Recruitment in Romania, after spending seven years in the country. We've spent some time talking about Delia's journey to Romania – so here's her story.

21 June 2010

There are 650,000 disabled people in Romania and less than 10 percent of them ever manage to find a job. A young French is fighting preconceptions and a sometimes faulted system to help these people in need and raise awareness among companies and individuals about diversity in the workplace. Stephane Meuret has shared some of his opinions and told a bit of his story to Romania Business Insider, rolling out ideas which will make you think twice about your life's true meaning, especially in these times of economic turmoil and change.



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