American streaming giant Netflix has just released the first teaser of its new Romanian cyber-spy series Subteran. The...
The first 3D documentary trilogy about Romania's folklore will hit Romanian screens on January 30, RomaniaFilm has...
Romanians spent over EUR 880,000 on tickets to movie theaters between Christmas and New Year's Eve last year, with...
The horror feature-length movie 'The Devil Inside', which was shot in Bucharest, is on top of the box office in the US...
1. J. Edgar
Directed by Clint Eastwood, Starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Armie Hammer, Naomi Watts
J. Edgar Hoover was...
Christmas is that time of the year to be spent with family and friends. Just in case you need more options for the...
The first 3D documentary trilogy about Romania's folklore will hit Romanian screens on January 30, RomaniaFilm has...
Romanians spent over EUR 880,000 on tickets to movie theaters between Christmas and New Year's Eve last year, with...
The horror feature-length movie 'The Devil Inside', which was shot in Bucharest, is on top of the box office in the US...
1. J. Edgar
Directed by Clint Eastwood, Starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Armie Hammer, Naomi Watts
J. Edgar Hoover was...
Christmas is that time of the year to be spent with family and friends. Just in case you need more options for the...