Current time in Romania

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23 May 2010

The International Monetary Fund has suggested a revenues increase option to the Romanian authorities

23 May 2010

The general strike announced for May 31st has started to put at risk several transport sectors in

23 May 2010

Forza Rossa, the company which imports Ferrari cars in Romania, expects an increase of 23 percent

23 May 2010

Romanian marines and soldiers from the Babadag training area in Dobrogea had their first training

21 May 2010

The Romanian state-owned railway operator CFR's employees will halt all trains on May 31st, joining

21 May 2010

Romanian actor Marcel Iures (in picture) has been casted as the leading actor in an HBO fiction

21 May 2010

Bank branches will be closed on Monday, May 24th, the second Rusalii day, which is a free day by law

21 May 2010

Beer producer Ursus Breweries, subsidiary of SABMiller, sold 13 percent less beer in Romania in the

21 May 2010

New duty free stores in Romania will no longer be authorized and the existing duty free shops will

21 May 2010

Preview: Prince of Persia: the Sands of Timewith Jake Gyllenhaal (in picture), Gemma Arterton. Re

21 May 2010

Friday, May 21 to Sunday, May 23 – Iarmaroc Fest (in pictures) close to Urziceni, 45 kilometers from

21 May 2010

Romanian media
Bankers gave three times fewer agriculture loans than mortgage loans – in Ziarul

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