Current time in Romania

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28 April 2010

German retailer Metro Cash & Carry is opening a new type of store in Romania, under the Metro Punct

28 April 2010

Romania is not witnessing any capital exits and banks active in Romania, including Greek banks have

28 April 2010

The local subsidiary of publishing company Ringier posted EUR 29.3 million in revenues last year

28 April 2010

The Romanian online advertising market reached EUR 17 million last year, which was 10 percent below

28 April 2010

We are looking forward to reaching the first 200 fans on Facebook! Two of the these first 200 fans

28 April 2010

Former US president George W. Bush will visit Romania in September this year for the launch of a new

28 April 2010

Romanian media

Banks don't re-start lending because of loss fears - in Ziarul Financiar
It takes

27 April 2010

The Bucharest City hall has started to install the promised tourist information equipments in the

27 April 2010

What to do when you've signed a pre-contract and placed a down payment for an apartment or villa

27 April 2010

Retailer Metro Cash & Carry will open its 5th store in Bucharest next week, the first such opening

27 April 2010

Romanians have come to trust several local and foreign brands, some of which have managed to become

27 April 2010

Renault Technologie Roumanie (RTR) will open on September 15 its technical center in Titu, according

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