Current time in Romania

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08 June 2010

The Hilton Brasserie downtown Bucharest, known from the 90s to the expat community in the city, will

08 June 2010

The Bucharest city hall will pay around EUR 900,000 on installing small poles to mark the bicycles

08 June 2010

With the Romanian currency having already depreciated to a rate of RON 4.21 for an EUR and the tight

08 June 2010

IT&C retailer K Tech Ultra Pro, which had previously entered insolvency and tried to reorganize to

08 June 2010

Romanian parcel services firm Fan Courier will open new headquarters in September, which required an

08 June 2010

Private equity investors in Central Europe have become more optimistic in the last six months, but

08 June 2010

Romanian news
Copos closes down the Hilton brasserie, a Bucharest symbol – in Ziarul Financiar

07 June 2010

I started my career in business as a salesman. Fifteen years later, I find myself doing the same

07 June 2010

The Aerosmith concert announced for June 18 in Bucharest has been moved to the Zone Arena location

07 June 2010

Energy supplier and distribution company Electrica posted a net profit of around EUR 1.6 million in

07 June 2010

State railway company CFR Calatori (Passengers) increased its losses by 27.3 percent in the first

07 June 2010

Over half of Romanians would like to be their own bosses instead of working for other companies

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