Current time in Romania

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28 May 2010

A nightmare on Elm Street – with Jackie Earle Haley, Katie Cassidy. On at: Cinema City Cotroceni

28 May 2010

Romanian businessman Octavian Radu, the owner of Diverta bookstore chain, has asked for the chain's

28 May 2010

Romania's team of singers Paula Seling and Ovi has qualified for the final round of the Eurovision

28 May 2010

Local charity Asociatia Ovidiu Rom has launched the second phase of its five year public awareness

28 May 2010

Romanian media
Octavian Radu has asked for Diverta's insolvency – in Ziarul Financiar

27 May 2010

The Romanian Economy ministry, which owns 20.64 percent of oil and gas company Petrom's shares

27 May 2010

US electronics manufacturer Plexus will invest in a production line in Eurobusiness industrial park

27 May 2010

Cefin Romania, which sells Iveco trucks, has signed a EUR 4 million contract to deliver 70 trucks to

27 May 2010

French Bakery chain Paul has opened the third bakery shop in Romania, within AFI Palace Cotroceni

27 May 2010

Property taxes will increase in Romania for owners of two or more properties which are not rented

27 May 2010

Romanian media
The state is selling everything to get some money: EUR 450 million for 11% of Petrom

26 May 2010

Public employees working in education, the health care system, public administration and transport

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