Current time in Romania

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19 May 2010

Romanian banks would require funds of around EUR 5 billion were they to comply with Basel III

19 May 2010

French construction materials producer Saint-Gobain Glass will invest EUR 6 million in a new

19 May 2010

Romanian media
Isarescu warns: if the state won't reduce spending, inflation will kick in – in

18 May 2010

Telecom operator Vodafone Romania posted EUR 921.5 million in revenues during the 12 months ending

18 May 2010

Sky Touring & Events will open the first sky restaurant in Bucharest this month, the company has

18 May 2010

Mihai Guran, the former Dell country manager for Romania and Bulgaria went on to become the ESS

18 May 2010

Romania's total external debt went up 7.3 percent in the first quarter of the year, reaching EUR 86

18 May 2010

As many as 60,000 people are expected to protest tomorrow in Victoriei Square, the Romanian

18 May 2010

The Romanian workers and companies' management unions, who representatives are part of the country's

18 May 2010

The French do-it-yourself chain Bricostore has seen its sales dropping in Romania by 27 percent last

18 May 2010

Investment fund Equest Balkan Properties has finalized the restructuring of the loans held by the

18 May 2010

Romanian media
The country's council delays restructuring decisions. The external debt grows by EUR

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