2024 is almost over, and before making any predictions, hopes or wishes for 2025, I will take this moment to look back
This song and its video were released just a day ago, and bring together two popular Romanian artists: Andra, the very...
Romanian artist Smiley, singer, songwriter and producer, has released a new single prior to his next album launch later...
There has been an exciting season of film events and here's the latest. But to make it more cosmopolitan, this one is...
Alexandru Maftei is a modest but pleasant presence in the contemporary film scene, having directed, among others, the...
Lovely Astra has turned 20 this year. The international film fest for documentary and anthropological films may be more...
Three very talented Romanian singers, called Marta (who also plays the guitar), Ana and Beck, have put together parts of...
Lupu was the most exciting thing about the White Nights of Romanian Cinema and I am certain that everyone had this...
The international animation festival Anim'est has the cheerful tagline “Join the miracle of animation!”. However, the...
Romanians celebrated 100 years since the birth of famous Romanian singer Maria Tanase this week, which is a good excuse...
This song and its video were released just a day ago, and bring together two popular Romanian artists: Andra, the very...
Romanian artist Smiley, singer, songwriter and producer, has released a new single prior to his next album launch later...
There has been an exciting season of film events and here's the latest. But to make it more cosmopolitan, this one is...
Alexandru Maftei is a modest but pleasant presence in the contemporary film scene, having directed, among others, the...
Lovely Astra has turned 20 this year. The international film fest for documentary and anthropological films may be more...
Three very talented Romanian singers, called Marta (who also plays the guitar), Ana and Beck, have put together parts of...
Lupu was the most exciting thing about the White Nights of Romanian Cinema and I am certain that everyone had this...
The international animation festival Anim'est has the cheerful tagline “Join the miracle of animation!”. However, the...
Romanians celebrated 100 years since the birth of famous Romanian singer Maria Tanase this week, which is a good excuse...