Over 1.3 million visitors, including Bucharest residents and tourists from around the world, rediscovered the magic of...
The Millenium Cross monument in Charles de Gaulle Plaza in Bucharest will be moved to make room for the underground passage which will be build in the area. The passage will cost EUR 58 million for 1,400 meters of road.
The Romanian Government has recently approved a program meant to modernize 10,000 km of national and local roads, connect villages to water and sewage systems and modernize the rural areas in Romania, the Regional Development and Tourism Ministry has announced. The program will take place between 2011 and 2020.
Telecom operator Cosmote Romania will bring the iPhone 4 to Romania in the following period, the company has announced, without mentioning the exact date of the launch. Cosmote is the third operator on the Romanian market to announce it will sell the iPhone 4 locally, after Orange Romania and Vodafone Romania. Orange actually launched the iPhone 4 in Romania on September 24, and Vodafone has recently said it will bring the terminal to Romania by Christmas.
A hospital in Vienna cashes in EUR 500,000 each month from Romanian patients, according to Theodor Alexandrescu, director of Alico, quoted by Ziarul Financiar daily. Alexandrescu did not mention the name of the hospital.
The Romanian Senate's Committee for education adopted Saturday an amendment to the Education Bill which forbids married...
Romanian Health Minister Attila Cseke said Sunday that medicine graduates who have failed the internship exam may be allowed into the system with limited duties, in order to cover the personnel shortage. A bill currently being drafted by the Health Ministry could allow the graduates to help doctors in various departments.
A collection of art pieces made by Constantin Brancusi, which belonged to artists Nicoleta Dumitrescu and Alexandru Istrati, will be auctioned in Paris on November 30. The collection is estimated to be worth between EUR 1.5 million and EUR 2 million. The collection includes three sculptures, 20 furniture pieces and objects made by or transformed by Brancusi for his daily use, along with some of his personal items.
Romanian businessman Catalin Chelu and three other individuals, Gabriel Constantinscu, Antonel Cristi Bunu and Ştefan Niţache Badea were detained for 29 days on Sunday, November 21, for bribe and complicity to bribe, according to the National Anti-corruption Authority (DNA).
Works on the underground car park in Universitate area in Bucharest have been slowed down by the discovery of 300 years old ruins, believed to be the premises of the Sfantu Sava Academy. Archeologists have been granted permission to unearth the ruins, but the Bucharest City Hall, which works on building the car park, says this will not affect the entire project, as they could incorporate the ruins into the car park.
The Millenium Cross monument in Charles de Gaulle Plaza in Bucharest will be moved to make room for the underground passage which will be build in the area. The passage will cost EUR 58 million for 1,400 meters of road.
The Romanian Government has recently approved a program meant to modernize 10,000 km of national and local roads, connect villages to water and sewage systems and modernize the rural areas in Romania, the Regional Development and Tourism Ministry has announced. The program will take place between 2011 and 2020.
Telecom operator Cosmote Romania will bring the iPhone 4 to Romania in the following period, the company has announced, without mentioning the exact date of the launch. Cosmote is the third operator on the Romanian market to announce it will sell the iPhone 4 locally, after Orange Romania and Vodafone Romania. Orange actually launched the iPhone 4 in Romania on September 24, and Vodafone has recently said it will bring the terminal to Romania by Christmas.
A hospital in Vienna cashes in EUR 500,000 each month from Romanian patients, according to Theodor Alexandrescu, director of Alico, quoted by Ziarul Financiar daily. Alexandrescu did not mention the name of the hospital.
The Romanian Senate's Committee for education adopted Saturday an amendment to the Education Bill which forbids married...
Romanian Health Minister Attila Cseke said Sunday that medicine graduates who have failed the internship exam may be allowed into the system with limited duties, in order to cover the personnel shortage. A bill currently being drafted by the Health Ministry could allow the graduates to help doctors in various departments.
A collection of art pieces made by Constantin Brancusi, which belonged to artists Nicoleta Dumitrescu and Alexandru Istrati, will be auctioned in Paris on November 30. The collection is estimated to be worth between EUR 1.5 million and EUR 2 million. The collection includes three sculptures, 20 furniture pieces and objects made by or transformed by Brancusi for his daily use, along with some of his personal items.
Romanian businessman Catalin Chelu and three other individuals, Gabriel Constantinscu, Antonel Cristi Bunu and Ştefan Niţache Badea were detained for 29 days on Sunday, November 21, for bribe and complicity to bribe, according to the National Anti-corruption Authority (DNA).
Works on the underground car park in Universitate area in Bucharest have been slowed down by the discovery of 300 years old ruins, believed to be the premises of the Sfantu Sava Academy. Archeologists have been granted permission to unearth the ruins, but the Bucharest City Hall, which works on building the car park, says this will not affect the entire project, as they could incorporate the ruins into the car park.