Romanian companies are entering 2025 with cautious optimism, focusing on managing risks and controlling costs, according...
Sports fashion retailer Adidas has recently opened a store in the Lipscani area of Bucharest – the Old Town – after...
Romania's National Fishery Agency will launch a bid for the design and execution of the Tulcea Fish Exchange Market...
Romanian Realitatea Media, the company that owns Realitatea TV and The Money Channel television stations, as well as...
Beer producer Heineken grew its sold beer volume in Romania in the mid single-digits in the first half of this year...
International rating agency Moody's has recently downgraded Japan government bond, from Aa3 to Aa2. The new rating is...
Sports fashion retailer Adidas has recently opened a store in the Lipscani area of Bucharest – the Old Town – after...
Romania's National Fishery Agency will launch a bid for the design and execution of the Tulcea Fish Exchange Market...
Romanian Realitatea Media, the company that owns Realitatea TV and The Money Channel television stations, as well as...
Beer producer Heineken grew its sold beer volume in Romania in the mid single-digits in the first half of this year...
International rating agency Moody's has recently downgraded Japan government bond, from Aa3 to Aa2. The new rating is...