Current time in Romania

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13 April 2010

Private medical care provider Centrul Medical Unirea (CMU) saw its revenues growing to EUR 4.71

13 April 2010

A new investment fund is targeting countries in Central and Eastern Europe, among which Romania

13 April 2010

Romania witnessed the fourth biggest industrial output increase within the European Union in January

13 April 2010

More than 70 percent of the Romanian wine production goes to sale on the black market and doesn't

13 April 2010

A project stating that the Value Added Tax (VAT) can be paid 30 days after the invoice is paid

13 April 2010

Razvan Stoicescu has been promoted partner with Bulboaca & Asociatii law firm, the firm has

13 April 2010

Online entrepreneur Lee Wilkins is the new senior manager of online and internet services with

12 April 2010

Romania's annual inflation rate went down to 4.2 percent in March from 4.49 percent in February this

11 April 2010

Romanian born Nobel prize winner writer Herta Muller will come to Bucharest in September for the

11 April 2010

Search engine owner Google will open an office in Romania this year, according to Amelia Cretu

11 April 2010

International marriages could have an easy way out in case of a divorce if European Union states

11 April 2010

The US Government has pledged USD 150 million for the Romanian – American Foundation (RAF), a

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