Current time in Romania

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25 May 2010

A heat wave will approach Romania in the next couple of days, with its peak in two days. You should

25 May 2010

The Bucharest metro and the public transport in Bucharest will not be functional for most of the day

25 May 2010

Several British Airways flights to and from Romania have been canceled due to the BA employees'

25 May 2010

US car parts producer Alcoa has sold its factories in Romania to its competitors Leoni, SEWS and

25 May 2010

Romanian media
Alcoa gives up on three factories and 5,000 employees – in Ziarul Financiar

24 May 2010

Prince Charles of Wales (in picture), second in line for the UK throne, who owns several properties

24 May 2010

The non-performing loans portfolios will continue to grow strongly in Romania and Bulgaria

24 May 2010

As many as 31 international oil companies have submitted offers for 30 concessions of oil-bearing

24 May 2010

Romanian media
In search of revenues, banks put fees on account feed – in Ziarul Financiar

23 May 2010

Monday, May 24

19,30 hours - Directia 5 plays concert & launches new album at the Bucharest

23 May 2010

Spanish hotel chain Sol Melia, the third largest hotel chain in Europe, wants to enter the Romanian

23 May 2010

German company PNE Wind will finalize four wind farm projects in Romania, which will require EUR 622

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