Current time in Romania

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04 May 2010

The idea of an increase in the flat tax and in income taxes, brought up in the media by the head of

04 May 2010

Construction materials producer Baumit Romania has finalized a EUR 20 million investment in building

04 May 2010

Romanian media
The Government is using the word 'recession' for the first time. Berceanu is asking

03 May 2010

Romania's foreign exchange reserves reached EUR 32.3 billion at the end of April, up EUR 350 million

03 May 2010

Tibor Pandi is the head of local operations for lender Citibank, according to the bank. Pandi was

03 May 2010

Investment company GED has taken over the majority share package in printing group Infopress Group

03 May 2010

One third of the Romanians who directed 2 percent of their income tax to the Church and Church

03 May 2010

Icelandic pharmaceutical producer has appointed Alina Culcea general manager of its Romanian

03 May 2010

If the statues in Universitate square are your usual meeting place, you might want to choose a new

03 May 2010

Rangam Bir is the new chief executive officer of insurer Allianz Tiriac, replacing Cristian

03 May 2010

Monday, May 3rd, 10,00 hours, Romanian Intelligence Service headquarters – Romania and US sign

03 May 2010

Romanian media
Dacia Duster deliveries start today – in Ziarul Financiar
Romanian Central Bank

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