Current time in Romania

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07 May 2010

Movies opening this week-end in Bucharest

The Last Song – with Miley Cyrus, Greg Kinnear. Miley

07 May 2010

Romanian media
With his own government unable to restructure the budget-fueled sector, president

06 May 2010

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has extended its stay in Romania until the end of this week

06 May 2010

The rate of inflation in Romania reached 4.2 percent in March this year, according to a recently

06 May 2010

Romania, Bulgaria and Serbia could be affected by the Greek crisis due to their exposure on the

06 May 2010

TV station owner Pro TV SA posted revenues of $36.5 million in the first quarter of this year, up 2

06 May 2010

Romanian media
With Greece in flames, IMF becomes impacable – in Ziarul Financiar
The back down of

05 May 2010

Carmaker Ford, which has bought a 72.4 percent stake in local factory Automobile Craiova, is now

05 May 2010

Private pension funds active in Romania have reached 5.2 million users and net assets of EUR 824

05 May 2010

Dialysis center operator Fresenius NephroCare has opened a new center in Suceava, following an

05 May 2010

Metro Cash & Carry's fifth store in Bucharest, whose opening in the Policolor area, East of the city

05 May 2010

The International Monetary Fund, which is currently evaluating the stand-by agreement with Romania,

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