01 November 2010

Romania currently has the most unsustainable public pensions system among all the emerging economies in the EU, according to a report issued by international rating agency Standard&Poor’s. The Romanian public pensions system will see an increase in pension expenses by 6.4 percentage points of the GDP in the following decades, from a current 8.4 percent of the GDP, to 14.8 percent of the GDP in 2050.

01 November 2010

*BCR Group, controlled by Erste, makes RON 6 million profit in third quarter – in Ziarul Financiar
*The stake of the ordinance becomes the stake of the IMF agreement – in Ziarul Financiar
*Americans from Plexus give up on plans to enter China and open a factory in Oradea – in Ziarul Financiar
*Tg Mures airport seeks EUR 40 mln EU financing – in Ziarul Financiar
*Loss in the banking system reaches RON 474 million in the first nine months – in Gandul

31 October 2010

The negotiations between Romania and the International Monetary Fund, which currently runs a review mission in the country, may have reached a deadlock mainly because of the condition to change the consumer loans emergency ordinance 50, so the IMF visit to Romania could be extended, according to Mediafax newswire. Suspending the agreement with the IMF is not excluded at this point, according to the newswire which quotes sources familiar with the talks.

30 October 2010

Romania hasn’t met the end-September performance criteria on general government arrears and it will ask the International Monetary Fund for a new waiver of non-observance, IMF mission chief Jeffrey Franks said Friday. This will be the sixth waiver of non-observance on government arrears since Romania signed a EUR 13 billion loan agreement with the IMF in 2009.

01 November 2010

Romania currently has the most unsustainable public pensions system among all the emerging economies in the EU, according to a report issued by international rating agency Standard&Poor’s. The Romanian public pensions system will see an increase in pension expenses by 6.4 percentage points of the GDP in the following decades, from a current 8.4 percent of the GDP, to 14.8 percent of the GDP in 2050.

01 November 2010

*BCR Group, controlled by Erste, makes RON 6 million profit in third quarter – in Ziarul Financiar
*The stake of the ordinance becomes the stake of the IMF agreement – in Ziarul Financiar
*Americans from Plexus give up on plans to enter China and open a factory in Oradea – in Ziarul Financiar
*Tg Mures airport seeks EUR 40 mln EU financing – in Ziarul Financiar
*Loss in the banking system reaches RON 474 million in the first nine months – in Gandul

31 October 2010

The negotiations between Romania and the International Monetary Fund, which currently runs a review mission in the country, may have reached a deadlock mainly because of the condition to change the consumer loans emergency ordinance 50, so the IMF visit to Romania could be extended, according to Mediafax newswire. Suspending the agreement with the IMF is not excluded at this point, according to the newswire which quotes sources familiar with the talks.

30 October 2010

Romania hasn’t met the end-September performance criteria on general government arrears and it will ask the International Monetary Fund for a new waiver of non-observance, IMF mission chief Jeffrey Franks said Friday. This will be the sixth waiver of non-observance on government arrears since Romania signed a EUR 13 billion loan agreement with the IMF in 2009.



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